📄️ bufferCount
bufferCount operator collects a specified number of consecutive values from the source signal and emits them as an array. This can be particularly useful when you want to group signal emits into fixed-size arrays for processing or presentation.
📄️ debounceTime
debounceTime operator delays the emission of signal until a specified amount of time has passed since the last emit.
📄️ delay
delay operator introduces a specified delay between the emission of signals from the source. It delays the emission of each value by a defined duration, allowing you to control the timing of when values are processed downstream.
📄️ filter
filter operator filters values emitted by the source based on a provided predicate function.
📄️ map
map is an operator that let you transform the values emitted by the source signal. It takes each value, applies a provided function to it, and emits the result as a new value in the target signal.
📄️ throttleTime
throttleTime operator limits the emission of values from the source signal based on a time window. It emits the first value in the window and then ignores subsequent values until the window expires.
📄️ Creating Custom Operator
Create a TypeScript function that returns your custom operator. The function can accept one or more parameters and return a SignalOperatorFunction as output.